Higher Technical Professional Courses


Taught in polytechnic education institutions and in organic units of polytechnic higher education integrated in university higher education institutions, the Higher Professional Technical Courses (CTeSP) do not confer an academic degree, but their successful conclusion confers a Higher Technician Professional Diploma.

Subsequently, the holders of these diplomas can access and enter the degree study cycles, through a special application, acquiring the respective academic degree.

Lasting four semesters, this cycle of higher studies is made up of a set of curricular units organized into components of general and scientific training, technical training and training in a work context, which takes the form of an internship.

The existing training areas at the Polytechnic of Viseu (IPV) take into account the professional training needs of the region in which it operates.

Candidates who complete the respective educational and training offers in the schools and entities of the “rede PEPER” have priority in occupying up to 50% of the vacancies that are fixed in the higher technical professional courses of the PV.

Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu

School of Education