

The structure of the IPV and its organization are laid down in its general statutes, in Articles 9 to 11, that stress that the Institute is responsible for staff management, administrative and financial management, overall planning and technical support, coordination of the activities of the different organic units and other services, constantly focusing on the rationalization and optimization of the resources granted.

The Instituto Politécnico de Viseu comprises a wide range of services serving the different academic activities and that will also provide permanent technical or administrative support. It also offers Social Welfare Services with administrative and financial autonomy that will make sure that the school is capable of fulfilling its social role. The IPV integrates the following teaching and research organic units: the Escola Superior de Educação (the Higher School of Education of Viseu), the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu (the Higher School of Technology and Management of Viseu), the Escola Superior Agrária (the Higher School of Agriculture of Viseu), the Escola Superior de Saúde (School of Health of Viseu) and the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Lamego (the Higher School of Technology and Management of Lamego).

Órgãos Sociais

IPV Bodies

The bodies of the IPV are the General Council, the President and the Management Council, the Academic Senate and the Council for Assessment and Quality. The IPV also includes a Student’s Ombudsperson, as defined by its statues.

Management Board 2021 – 2025
José dos Santos Costa
Presidente do IPV
João Manuel Vinhas Ramos Marques
Vice-Presidente do IPV
Helena Maria Vala Correia
Vice-Presidente do IPV
João Paulo Balula
Vice-Presidente do IPV
Carla Coimbra Administradora do IPV e do SAS
Pro Presidents
Cristina Wanzeller
Informática – Sistemas de Informação
Carlos Albuquerque
Saúde, Desporto, Bem-estar e Sustentabilidade
Cristina Barroco
Ligação à Comunidade e Transferência de Conhecimento
Filipe Caldeira
Informática – Infraestruturas
Joaquim Antunes
Comunicação Estratégica
Paula Correia
Investigação e Inovação
Paulo Mendes
Infraestruturas e Manutenção do Edificado
Sandra Antunes
Responsabilidade e Inovação Social

Previous Chairmen

    • João Luís Monney de Sá Paiva
    • Fernando Sebastião
    • João Pedro Antas Barros
    • Alberto Vara Branco

Other bodies

Academic Council

The Academic Senate, in accordance with the provisions of nº 1, article 41 of the IPV Statutes, is a consultive body as laid down by nº 2, article 78 of the Law nº 62/2007, of September 10th.


The Academic Senate has the following composition:

  • The President of the IPV;
  • The Presidents of the different Schools;
  • The Presidents of the Representative Assembly of the different schools;
  • The Presidents of the Scientific and Technical Councils;
  • The Presidents of the Pedagogical Councils;
  • The Presidents of the Development and Research Institute;
  • The Presidents of the Student Associations of the different schools;
  • The President of the IPV’s Student Association;
  • The Administrator of the IPV;
  • The Administrator of the IPV’S Social Services.

The Academic Senate may invite leading figures whose presence is deemed important to the analysis of the matters under consideration to join its official meetings. Those figures do not have voting rights.


Council for Assessment and Quality

The Council for Assessment and Quality is responsible for establishing the mechanisms that will be used to carry out a regular self-assessment of the IPV’s performance, of its organic units, and of the scientific and pedagogical activities. Those mechanisms have to comply with the national assessment and accreditation system, under the terms of the law. It also ensures the fulfilment of the Institute’s legal obligations and its collaboration with the competent authorities.

The Council for Assessment and Quality is responsible for maintaining and improving the Quality Management System (QMS), and for defining the extension of its certification scope, where justified. For that purpose, it shall be assisted by a quality manager.


The Council for Assessment and Quality includes:

  • The President of the IPV, who presides over the institution. He might delegate the powers attributed to the Vice-President responsible for assessment matters
  • The Presidents of the different organic units, who may delegate its powers to a vice-president
  • The Presidents of the assessment and quality committees of each organic unit
  • The Quality Manager
  • A representative of the Student Association of the IPV to be designated by the Association itself

The Council may invite leading figures whose presence is deemed important to the analysis of the matters under consideration to join its official meetings. Those figures do not have voting rights.


Monitoring Committee (RADPDIPV)


Anabela Fernandes Guedes,
Jorge Belarmino Oliveira,
Maria da Graça F. Aparício Costa,
Paulo Moisés Almeida da Costa,
Véronique Delplancq (Presidente)


Article 12 – The Monitoring Commission
3 — The Monitoring Commission shall be responsible for:

a) Monitoring the performance appraisal processes and, at the end of each evaluation cycle, producing a report that will contain the general outcomes, the main constraints and, when deemed necessary, submit a proposal for the amendment/revision of the original Regulation, along with the respective Guidelines.
b) Giving its opinion on the claims regarding the act of ratification, when requested;
c) Proposing to the President of the IPV amendments to this Regulation and the respective guidelines.


Avaliação do desempenho do Pessoal Docente


Relatório de monitorização ao ciclo avaliativo 2019-2021

Other activities

Available soon

Central Services

The Central Services of the IPV comprise the Planning, Administration and Financial Management Department, the Legal Department, the Technical Department, the Communication, Culture and External Relations Department, the Studies and Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office and the Assessment and Quality Office.
Serviços Centrais