
An Institution to suit your needs

The IPV is composed of five higher education institutions: Escola Superior de Educação, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu, Escola Superior Agrária, Escola Superior de Saúde e Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Lamego.

With a comprehensive training network, the IPV combines the excellence of its training, provided by a highly qualified faculty, with unparalleled conditions for study and research.

Higher Education admission

The Portuguese higher education is organized in a binary system that integrates university education and polytechnic education and is taught in public and private institutions.
Polytechnic education is guided by a perspective of applied research and development, aimed at understanding and solving concrete problems and aims to provide solid cultural and technical training at a higher level, to develop the capacity for innovation and critical analysis and to impart scientific knowledge of theoretical and practical nature and their applications with a view to the exercise of professional activities.

The Polytechnic of Viseu is the only public higher education institution in the district of Viseu. The training offer of the five Higher Schools of the Polytechnic of Viseu is available in several study cycles: CTeSP, Bachelors, Masters, Post-Graduates and Post-Graduates.
Access options to the Polytechnic of Viseu are indicated separately for national and international students, and are then presented, depending on the condition of each candidate, which are the competitions, deadlines and forms of application.

Funded courses

Higher Technical Professional Courses

Higher Professional Technical Courses (CTeSP) are higher education study cycles that last four academic semesters, corresponding to 120 credit units (ECTS).
The functioning of the CTeSP is supported by the Center’s Regional Operational Program – CENTRO2020, inserted in the priority axis to develop human potential, investing in education, training and lifelong learning.

Active in 2019, 2020 and 2021

CTeSP’s apoiados pelo CENTRO – Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

  • CENTRO-03-5368-FSE-00036 – Apoio a 18 CTeSP’s, com 176 formandos, com início em 28.09.2020 e términus em 30.09.2022. | open
  • CENTRO-03-5368-FSE-00029 – Apoio a 18 CTeSP’s, com 244 formandos, com início em 16.09.2019 e términus em 21.09.2021. | open